I decided Wednesday was frappuccino night. I needed the sugar fix. The late afternoon jog gave me back pains. The rains interrupted my poor excuse for a fitness regimen so my body had to adjust -- again -- to the physical activity.
The receipt came out with a code. All I had to do was answer an online survey and coffee is on them, even if it is just the "tall" size (which is actually the smallest cup size at Starbucks, talk about false advertising). The barista said I was one of two customers that day who got internet codes on the receipt.
The other day, while scouring the grocery aisles for pasta sauce. I saw a bottle of organic tomato and basil for P120, marked down from P350. It won't expire until September next year. It was a steal.
The sauce was sweeter than the regular brands, and it was chuky, the way I like it. It was perfect over spinach fetuccine, with a dash of my new favorite spice, cayenne pepper.
Sometimes, the planets align in your favor.