Maybe it was due to two videoke, red wine, and cholesterolfest nights in a row. I turned 26, on October 10 and we had a dry-run songfest before the big night on October 11 -- my belated celebration, Aisa's throw-away, and Ron's advanced birthday bash. Both are my seatmates at the Camp Aguinaldo press office.
Joy, the Defense Press Corps diva, brought the house down with her performances (see videos on her blog http://joycantos.blogspot.com). On a chicken-and-Red Bull induced high, Joy had us laughing mad.
Writing this post, Pops Fernandez and Joey Albert's "Points of View" was playing on my computer. It was mine and Aisa's song. We just had to sing it before she left the beat. I know we'll see each other on the beat in another year or two. Our editors give us the same assignments -- Roco campaign 2004, justice, defense.
Then came Friday the 13th, and the big bosses (it was the first time I saw them all together in since Christmas Party 2004) dropped a bombshell. Big changes will happen in the site and it got the editorial staff fuming mad. The powers that be have decided and the drones must follow.
I will treat it as a challenge. My editor told me over the phone today, "Let's show them why we're number 1." Show some bravado when necessary. (Joy would pronounce it as bravadoo, as in Flintstones brava-daba-doo!!!).
Notwithstanding the Friday the 13th bombshell, me and my fellow endangered species (a.k.a. INQ7.net reporters) drowned our frustrations in a videoke session that lasted until 2 a.m. Saturday.
More headaches lie ahead but with painkillers, wine, and good company, I will rock on.
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